Saturday, September 18, 2010

Spring is Here!

And with Spring is a sudden influx of excellent classic cars on the road which has given me a kick in the bum. I've given the HZ it's spring clean and service, and I serviced the XR prior to re-registering that in a couple of weeks. Although the whitewalls on the XR look goddamn awful at the moment, the tyres have bled rubber oil on them, plus I scuffed the left side tyres a couple of days prior to putting the car into storage, I may wait to fix them before getting it back on the road.

Here's a pic of the XR at last year's Bay to Birdwood.
The old Corona sadly became part of the scenery in the shed to the point where I've even stored stuff on top of it. Today I had the battery out of the XR and decided on a whim to chuck it in the Corona and see if it would start. Firstly the battery is way too big, but I sort of balanced it in the carrier and connected the leads. Oddly the Corona terminals are bigger than the battery posts so I had to space them out with a screwdriver. They look like the original battery terminals actually!

Anyway I digress, after cranking for what seemed ages she coughed a few times and then fired! I was extremely happy with it idling quite nicely after it warmed a little. And that's with 4 year old fuel in it. It's strange how a little life has suddenly reinvigorated my interest.

Anyway tomorrow is Gawler Swapmeet, probably the best swapmeet in SA. Many may ask, what about Campbelltown? - but these days I think Campbelltown is filled with either Holden or Valiant wreckers who want top dollar for everything. Gawler still has the occasional shed clearance kind of seller. I'm on the lookout for all kinds of things but mainly door lock knobs for the Corona (they're all broken bar one), and suitable mirrors.

Can anyone tell me what the original mirrors were or at least looked like? Did these vehicles even come optioned with exterior mirrors?

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